Home > Customer Service Training Activities > Ice Breaker Activities - Guess The Question
Ice breakers can help your customer service training start as you mean to go on; with impact and focus.
Here's one for you to use, don't forget to read our tips on using icebreakers at the beginning of your customer service training.
Good for
Opening a meeting or a training course.
This is a low risk activity that helps people feel comfortable with talking in a group
As long or as short as you want to make it, this usually takes a two - 3 minutes per person
You will need
Some prepared cards with questions on such as
Just keep questions away from anything which could be deemed to be contentious like politics or religion.
TIP - when preparing the questions, the answer to the question must be short ideally one word.
This is a very simple training game or icebreaker activity.
When everyone does an opening round of introductions, distribute a card to everyone.
Tell them not to show their card to anyone.
Ask everyone to introduce themselves by
The group must then decide what the question is based on the answer.
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