Creating a relationship

by Sue-Anne
(Montreal, Quebec)

I teach yoga, have been doing so since 1998 full time. When I started teaching, yoga was just beginning to become popular. My classes were full. I continue to have a thriving practice, even when yoga is now offered on every street corner, in every gym, community center and in the work place.

For me it is all about the relationship I have with my students and the way I am being with them. I love helping make a difference in their lives, helping them de-stress, feel better and transform their lives on many different levels. Many of them have been with me from 6 to 10 years.

I have organized parties, pot-luck dinners, weekend retreats, all these bring them closer to each other and to me.

I am always early, greet them as they come in and I look forward to seeing them and finding out what is going on in their lives.

I know of one particular teacher and for her it is all about profit. She arrives at the last minute to teach, her students rarely stick around, through tons of marketing she gets new students but they don't last long. She makes no exceptions if people can not attend her no refund policy is written in stone.

For me good customer service is being authentic, and creating a long lasting relationship with your clients.

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